Children's Dentistry in Mill Creek, WA
At Mill Creek Dental Health Care in Mill Creek, WA, we love treating children!
We know that when kids are little, we can encourage their natural curiosity and teach them how to have a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime!
Every child we treat is unique. Our team is great with kids and knows how to take time with them to help them have the most positive dental experiences possible. Helping kids feel safe and secure now when they are young increases the likelihood that they will develop a lifelong positive attitude about their oral health.
The Role You Play
One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to help your child care for their teeth correctly. Until they are about six years old, most kids don’t have the coordination needed to handle a toothbrush, so you will need to help them.
Dr. Cirtaut will be happy to show you how to help your child brush their teeth properly. We will also explain what foods to avoid and how healthy eating habits help promote good oral health. These appointments are also a good time for you to ask questions and receive guidance about thumb-sucking habits and bottle feeding guidelines.
Why Baby Teeth Are Important
We like to start seeing kids when their first tooth appears but no later than their first birthday. Keeping baby teeth healthy is crucial for your child’s future oral health.
If a baby tooth falls out too soon, the permanent tooth may not have enough room to come in correctly. This can create more complicated and costly dental health problems for them in the future.
Keeping Dental Visits Positive
The purpose of your child’s first visit is to get them accustomed to new faces and new surroundings. We keep these “happy visits” lighthearted so we don’t overwhelm your child. We’ll show them some of our instruments, count their teeth, and let them take a ride in the chair. When they leave, you can help them select a prize from our toy box.
We recommend bringing your child in for these well visits because if we don’t see them until there’s a problem, your child may think that dental visits are scary and painful. This type of negative experience is the reason so many adults fear going to the dentist.
Dental Care as Your Child Grows
Your child will go through changes in their oral health until their late teens or early twenties. We will continually monitor their progress to make sure everything is developing as it should. As part of your child’s preventive treatments, we may recommend fluoride applications and dental sealants if we think they will benefit your child’s oral health.
If we find a cavity, we should fill it as quickly as possible, whether it’s a baby tooth or a permanent tooth. It can be hard for kids to relax and sit still in the dental chair, so if we do need to fill a cavity or do other work, we can recommend gentle nitrous oxide to keep them safe and comfortable while we do our job. Our doctors will work with you to ensure that your child is receiving the care they need to avoid problems and enjoy a healthy smile.
Please Call for an Appointment
Our doctors know that you probably have a lot of questions about your child’s dental care, and we want to help. Please call our Mill Creek, WA dental office at (425) 745-2703 to arrange a convenient appointment. We look forward to meeting you and your child!